Here you will find current literature from the Emigrant Center. To find what you are looking for you can either search in the field to the right or browse through all the documents below.

Document & description Given Format download
Books for sale / Books for sale Books for sale at Det Norske Utvandrersenter / Books for sale at The Norwegian Emigration Center 31.10.2011 pdf download
Teacher ‘s Guide Teacher’s Guide to the You and Me Digital Learning Program 29.10.2010 pdf download
Teaching plan – Primary school Here is the teaching plan we use for primary school. 12.03.2008 ppt download
Teaching plan – Upper secondary This is a pdf – file of the teaching plan we offer to upper secondary schools 12.03.2008 ppt download
AEMI Journal AEMI Journal 2007 er en dobbeltutgave og inneholder artikler fra AEMI årsmøtet i Paris 2005 og Trogir, Kroatia i 2006. Temaene er Cinema, Literature and Migration og Cultural and Economic Links in Diaspora./ AEMI Journal 2007 is a double volume containing articles from the annual conferences in Paris 2005, and Trogir, Croatia 2006. It deals with themes of Cinema, Literature and Migration (2005),and Cultural and Economic Links in Diaspora (2006). 25.10.2007 pdf download